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Create an account at Already have an account? You're good to go! Just sign in to access the program.
Share Your Link
Share your unique Referral Link to start earning referrals. Clicks are tracked for 30 days. You'll earn 15% of our fees.
Get Paid Monthly
There's no minimum payment threshold and no maximum you can earn. You can even earn from repeat business, forever.

Add a New Passive Income Stream

Learn how in this two-minute video:

Experience serious earning potential

  • Earn 15% of our fees. That's double what similar programs offer.
  • Select from multiple services. Share what's relevant to your followers.
  • Convert more referrals with the 30-day cookie window.
  • Score again and again. Earn even from repeat business.
  • Enjoy unlimited opportunity. There's no maximum amount you can earn.

Feel great recommending our team

  • Our caring agents deliver an outstanding experience with each interaction (read the reviews). You'll feel great knowing your referrals are being given the proper care.
  • Knowledgeable music rights experts answer every call. We don't outsource.
  • Responsive agents answer all inquiries fast.

Start your passive income stream today

How do I sign up?

To start earning referral income, all you need to do is create an account and provide your contact info. When you do, your unique Referral Link is activated, and you have the opportunity to earn referral income. There is no separate enrollment and you can begin earning immediately.

How do I start earning?

To earn, share your unique Referral Link. Even one good share has the potential to earn you a passive income stream for the rest of your life.

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click your name at the top-right, then Referrals.
  3. Complete the steps in the blue box under "How to earn referral income".

How much will I earn?

You will earn 15% of our fees after discounts (volume, coupon, membership), for every referral. Here's what you would earn from each our different services, if no discounts were applied:

Service Your earnings at various quantities
1 3 5
Cover Song Licensing $2.55 $7.65 $12.74
Seal of Authenticity $7.35 $22.05 $36.75
Custom Licensing $44.85 $134.55 $224.25
Copyrighting $14.85 $44.55 $74.25
Publishing $14.85 $44.55 $74.25
VIP Membership $16.20 $48.60 $81.00
All Access Membership $34.20 $102.60 $171.00
Monkey with money falling all around Start earning easy referral income today! You get 15% of our fees for every referral. Create an account and start earning today

What services and fees are eligibile for referral income?

You can earn referral income from all our services. We pay you a percentage of our fees. Our fees don't always equal the grand total of the order. Sometimes our charges include elements that we don't earn from, such as royalties, 100% of which we deliver to the copyright holder. Also, you can't earn referrals from your own purchases (by clicking your own Referral Link, for example). In other words, there are some limitations:

YES, eligible for referral income:
NO, not eligible for referral income:

How do I start earning?

To start earning referral income, copy and share your Referral Link into your website; blog; social media; email; text message; and anywhere else you can reach your friends; followers; and customers. For best results, follow the instructions we provide.

How do I view my earnings?

It's easy to view all your referrals in one place. Here's how:

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click your name at the top-right, then Referrals.
Partners - The Referrals page is also the place to find all of your Partner referrals, earned through our Partner Program.

How do I collect my earnings?

You don't need to take any action to collect your earnings. But here are a few important points to note:

  1. We pay out referral income monthly.
  2. There is no minimum threshold for payment.
  3. There is no maximum amount you can earn.
  4. We mail a check to the name and address in your Easy Song account. You can help by keeping this information accurate.
  5. If there's any issue with the address, we will hold your referral income and attempt to reach out to you to resolve the problem.

How is this different from your Partner Program?

Our Referral Program is designed for individuals and existing Easy Song users. Our Partner Program is geared more toward businesses, influencers, or anyone else looking to build their brand. It builds on our Referral Program by adding additional benefits and requirements. Learn more.

Still have questions?

Please visit our Help Center or contact us directly. We will be happy to help.

People standing and talking Own a business? Learn how you can gain exposure for your brand, earn even more from referrals, and integrate with our API to automate referrals and more. Check out our Partner Program
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